SMTDA 2012
2nd Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference

      Panorama Hotel              5 - 8 June 2012 Chania Crete Greece
SMTDA 2012 Important Dates

Abstracts, Regular Papers, Posters and Special and Invited Sessions and Workshops

April 10, 2012 (New)
: submission of abstracts*

(Abstract submissions after the deadline must indicate "late submission")                  

Extended abstracts or regular papers/posters (up to 8 pages) and proposals for special and invited sessions and workshops should be submitted no later than 10 April 2012

Notification of acceptance: One week after submission

April 10, 2012
final version of the paper/poster or extended abstract

April 10, 2012: Application for the best paper awards for young scientists

Special and Invited Sessions and Workshops:

After acceptance of the proposal, each promoter of the Session or Workshop will be responsible for his/her session-workshop (including the review process of the papers of his/her session; 4 - 5 papers per session and more than 10 papers for workshops) and will chair it.

SMTDA2012 Conference

5 - 8 June, 2012