Demographics 2020



Demographic Analysis and Research International Workshop
           2 - 5 June 2020 Barcelona, Spain

Demographics Tutorial


This tutorial includes presentations of advanced problems in Demography supported by appropriate computer programs.
Applications for specific cases are provided.
Click the figures (right) to download the applications in France and Sweden

The Tutorial is based on the recently published book by Springer on "Demography of Population Health, Aging and Health Expenditures"

Stochastic Theory
The Stochastic Theory of the Health State of a Population provides a perfect tool to estimate the
1. Health State Function,
2. the associated Deterioration Function
3. to do stochastic simulations
4. to reproduce the death probability density
5. to verify the validity of the stochastic theory
6. to find the Health State at Retirement
7. to find the Deterioration State at Retirement
All these important futures are included into the appropriate program and the guidelines.
You can download it in the next line In the right side the characteristic figures from the program are presented

The Stochastic Health State Theory applied to mortality data succeeded to
1. provide the appropriate 4 parameter model for best mortality data fit with less parameter needed.
2. The same methodology estimates the Healthy Life Years Lost to disability
Download the computer program along with the guide from
In the right side the characteristic figures from the program are presented


The classical Gompertz model fit is presented and estimated by a flexible program.
1. A Linear Fit provides the first parameters estimate
2. A nonlinear parameter estimates follows
3. Important estimates for the first and second derivatives are provided
4. Download the program from Gompertz


1. A nonlinear parameter estimates follows
2. Important estimates for the first and second derivatives are provided
3. Download the program from WEIBULL

Advanced programs estimate the Healthy Life Expectancy the Healthy Life Years Lost to Disability in connection to HALE forms from the World Health Organization, the HLE from Eurostat and other forms as HALE and DALE from Burden of Disease studies. 
The Sullivan method is also provided in a Computer Program dealing with the Healthy Life Expectancy estimation.

An important methodology provides estimates of the Health Expenditure Allocation per age groups

See and download from the right hand side
To learn how to do the above estimates, fill the Tutorial Reservation Form below to participate in the next tutorial organized
Download the Special Programs below for Direct estimates of the Healthy Life Years Lost and the Healthy Life Expectancy from Life Tables.
Direct Healthy Life Expectancy estimates program
SKI-6 Program for Severe and Moderate Healthy Life Years Lost estimates
The Healthy Life Years Lost program with a Sullivan extension